Thursday, 12 May 2011

Help Ugandan Gays, Harry Potter Pick-Up Lines and A Very Intriguing Picture...

Citizens of earth. I come to you with a proposal. You know about the crap in Uganda where they're trying to pass an anti-homosexual bill that'll result in long imprisonment or possibly death for gay Ugandans? Well here's a petition I urge you to sign condemming it and asking the Ugandan government to re-think it. There's only a few hours left, so please don't put signing it off til later!

Right, the important thing covered, check out this picture Emma posted on facebook. Looks very risqué for a cartoon, does it not? I you have any theories of what the artist intended to be happening, comment away! (The comments do not require registration, and can be anonymous)

If your life is missing good pick-up lines, then this site ( has many amusing ones. My favourites are the Harry Potter ones, such as 'If I were to look into the Mirror of Erised, I'd see the two of us together', and 'I must have had some Felix Felicis because I think I'm about to get lucky'. Crude yeah, but sometimes you need that in the run-up to exams.


Anonymous said...

I am in love with that guys face.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog