Friday, 7 May 2010

Snipets #2

(Ab and her Nan are sitting on Nan's sofa, just watching the gardener. No-one has spoken for a few minutes until...)
Nan: (Speaking profoundly) So it's been a week then.
(A pause)
Ab: (Confused) Since what?
Nan: (Slightly indignant) Since last week!

(Physics class again. May 7th, a very political day. Miss Salter is wearing a blue top, and this has caused a slight reaction from the liberal class.)
Class: (Shouting and pointing acusing fingers at Salter) Boo! Torry! Traiter! Conservatives are the devil! (ect.)
(Several minutes after the uproar, Salter reflects.)
Salter: (Outraged) This is the last time I wear a political party's colour the day after an election!

(School is over for the day, and Ab has just met with Katie and Megan after maths. Katie demands a hug from Ab, since Ab's are so fabulous due to her buffness, but Ab, not really a huggy person, responds one armedly.)
Megan: (Observing the scene) Call that the best hug ever Katie? That looks rubbish!
Katie: That's cos Ab's not trying at all!
Ab: Yeah Megan, I am actually really good. (Winks, but somehow it just looks like there's something in her eye.)
Megan: (Smiling smugly) Prove it then.
Ab: (Sees that Megan is playing on her competative instinct, but can't help rising to the challenge) Observe Megan! (Grabs Katie and properly hugs her while smirking her superiority at Megan over Katie's shoulder.)
Megan: Are you happy now Katie? I got you another hug!
Katie: (Dreamily and smiling) I could hug Ab forever...

1 comment:

Ab said...

No worries, glad you like!