Thursday, 6 May 2010

Snipets of My Day

(Physics class and bored of revising. Alex has just aserted her and Tysoe's relationship whilst arguing with Harry. Tysoe overhears this. Well, he is sitting next to us.)
Tysoe: (To Alex) What? So I'm all nice to you, then you go and call me your arch-nemesis?

(Still in physics class. Harry has just read something in a science class that is obviously wrong, but that he believes to be right nethertheless.)
Ab: (Ever sarcastic) Not everything you read in that book is right Harry. It's not the Bible.
(Alex cracks up, and she and Ab high-five.)

(Lunchtime. Ab, Katie and Louise are pondering if there are any words that can't be related to anything sexual.)
Louise: Windows?
(Brief pause)
Ab: Nah, people do it pressed up against them.
Louise: Yeah, I just pictured that!
Katie: Same!
(A pause)
Louise: A chair?
Katie: No!
Louise: A table then?
Ab: Definately not, cos you can do it on one.
Louise and Katie: (Sigh) Yeah.
(A pause)
Ab: (Smiling) How bout Quavers?

(Philosophy class, last period. Ab and Cathy have just finished reading aloud from the textbook and are now making notes.)
Cathy: (Turns to Ab smiling) Well read. (Does small hand clapping thing)
Ab: (Smiles at hand clapping thing) Thanks. And well read yourself. You only tripped up on one word this time - must be a new record! (Cathy then proceeds to quietly laugh and then blushes, as per norm)

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