(Physics class and bored of revising. Alex has just aserted her and Tysoe's relationship whilst arguing with Harry. Tysoe overhears this. Well, he is sitting next to us.)
Tysoe: (To Alex) What? So I'm all nice to you, then you go and call me your arch-nemesis?
(Still in physics class. Harry has just read something in a science class that is obviously wrong, but that he believes to be right nethertheless.)
Ab: (Ever sarcastic) Not everything you read in that book is right Harry. It's not the Bible.
(Alex cracks up, and she and Ab high-five.)
(Lunchtime. Ab, Katie and Louise are pondering if there are any words that can't be related to anything sexual.)
Louise: Windows?
(Brief pause)
Ab: Nah, people do it pressed up against them.
Louise: Yeah, I just pictured that!
Katie: Same!
(A pause)
Louise: A chair?
Katie: No!
Louise: A table then?
Ab: Definately not, cos you can do it on one.
Louise and Katie: (Sigh) Yeah.
(A pause)
Ab: (Smiling) How bout Quavers?
(Philosophy class, last period. Ab and Cathy have just finished reading aloud from the textbook and are now making notes.)
Cathy: (Turns to Ab smiling) Well read. (Does small hand clapping thing)
Ab: (Smiles at hand clapping thing) Thanks. And well read yourself. You only tripped up on one word this time - must be a new record! (Cathy then proceeds to quietly laugh and then blushes, as per norm)
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