Sunday, 23 May 2010

Why You Should Judge a Book By its Cover

Y'know that phrase, 'never judge a book by its cover' right? Well I disagree. There are, in fact, many merits to judging a book by it's cover.
  1. If you didn't judge a book by its cover, it would take ages and ages to pick out a book to buy/borrow from the library as you'd have to go through every single book in order to decide on one, rather than just picking out the ones with interesting covers.
  2. Also, if we're counting the whole cover, then you wouldn't be allowed to pick books according to titles, authors and the blurbs, which begs the question 'how would you actually pick a book ever?'. I suppose you'd just have to read every single book once, then read the good ones several times. Now reading all books has its good points, but there isn't enough time for that in life, and lots of books are rubbish anyway (case study: Mills & Boon).
  3. Avoiding books with dislikeable covers saves you from reading books that aren't your style - par example, if you know you hate sci-fi, chances are you wouldn't enjoy a book with some form of alien on the cover, or if romance makes you sick then reading a book with a soppy picture of some couple on the front would probably give you an aneurysm!
  4. I would never have had to read 'Of Mice and Men' because it has a crap cover and an even crapper 'storyline'.
So the moral of the story? Always judge a book by it's cover, and you might just find a book you love. Unless it's my book which will of course be brilliant, no matter how bad the cover.


Unknown said...

Some book covers are awful, and yet the book content is epic (and vise versa). Don't be prejudgice to certain books - poor books :(

Ab said...

Which is why i will occassionally read one of those books, or rely on word of mouth. But my theory applies to all books, so if you read it irrespective of the cover, you would either not have a system for choosing books, spend your whole life reading or never be able to choose one.