Wednesday, 2 June 2010

A Very Catholic Ceremony

(History class, and the teacher is just telling the class the order of activities for the double lesson)
Teacher: ...And after that, we're going to have a full class debate on appeasement.
Liam: The whole class?
Teacher: Yes, Liam, all of us.
Liam: So will that make it a MASS debate then?
(General laughter from class)
Ayesha: I don't get it.
Ab: Come on Ayesh! A mass debate as in lots of people debating, and a masturbate as in, well, y'know... (looks awkwardly at the teacher) masturbation. (Grins sheepishly)
Ayesha: Ohhhhh... (still doesn't get it) as in, masturbation, the Catholic ceremony?

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