Monday, 16 August 2010

Holy As Thou Art

Have you ever noticed that the countries where religion is most prevelent are usualy the countries with the most problems? (I'm excluding communist/facist countries in this as taking away or giving people religion forcefully obviously causes massive problems.) So, what's up with that? I'll give you a brief summery of my thoughts on the matter, and, as always, if you disagree, comment and share you point of view!

First up, maybe it's because there are so many agnostics and atheists in 'western' (excluding Ireland cos we allknow the Christian civil war rubbish continuing to happen there) countries? On a moral ground, I find the As to be generally more accepting of other people's choices, and the state choices. This is not to say that there are not many ignorant As - there are millions. However, generally they do not have as many matching objections to laws, wars, other beliefs relating to religion, which leads to better co-operation in society and makes it easier for a government to maintain control. I'm not saying that it makes the countries any better because those 'flexible morals' can lead to increased promiscuity for example, but more open and less clashing societies at least.

Or maybe we should thank the dying of fundementalist religious followers here in the west. They're still out there, but in nowhere near as many numbers as the past. Instead, liberal religious members are the main driving force, and these people are completely embracing and accepting of things that used to be hated, such as homosexuality and other religions. I think tolerance has a lot to do with having a functioning society, and places like Afganhistan and Israel lack that.

Or, you know, it could have nothing to do with religion at all!

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