Tuesday, 12 October 2010

What Happens in Philosophy...

We seem to laugh a lot in philosophy, and I write about things said in it quite a lot, so it's got its own post today! Here's some funny things said recently:

(The Scene: Philosophy class, and we are discussing the transcendent realm (heaven). Lucy is verbalising this tricky problem.)

Lucy: I mean, it's beyond time and all, but where is it?
Matt: Well, you go up the M1, take the third junction...
(Class laugh)

(Still philosophy, but in the break. Ab and Cathy are discussing Cathy's medical student plans at university.)

Ab: You know how they give you a body to work on? Well I was thinking, how funny would it be if you -
Cathy: (Aghast) Got someone I know!
Ab: Yeah, exactly!
Cathy: Oh no, that wouldn't be funny at all. My Grandparents want to donate their body to medical science!

(Beginning of philosophy, and Ab is questioning Matt's Super Dry t-shirt)

Ab: I don't get it, what does Super Dry even mean?
Kellywoman: Nothing, it's just a brand.
Matt: Yeah! What does (gets up to look at what's written on Ab's top. See's it says Oxford University. His point disappears.)
(Class laugh)

Oh, by the way, I set up a Five Past Tomorrow facebook page at the weekend, so if you want to show your appreciation for this blog, like it please! When I get 25 people, I can get a fancy username too.

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