Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Post-Christmas Snipets

Hey readers - did you all have great Christmases and New Years (if you're into that sorta thing)? I hope so. For the record, mine was rockin', although I had hoped to spend my Christmas day helping out in a soup kitchen or something, but there were either none open that day, or they refused to accept under 18s, so I was thwarted in that endevour. And you know what also sucks? I have some real A-level exams in about 10 days and I go back to school tomorrow. Good luck to anyone else who's got exams! Anyway, check out a few transcripts of the previous week and a bit.

(The scene: MK shopping centre, a few days before Christmas. Ab is standing near two women, one of whom is heavily pregnant)

Preggers: ...And I'm really hoping he'll be born on Christmas cos it'll save me doin' the turkey, and I won't have to spend time finking up a name for him.
Friend: Eh?
Preggers: Well I'll just call him Jesus won't I! Sure Darren will be fine with that, he's been to Church.

(The scene: Ab, Mum and Brother in the car, and Bro is explaining some weird American toys he's read about.)

Bro: They're all these stuffed animals, but with mental health disorders!
Ab & Mum: (Weird Yanks look)
Bro: No seriously! There's a manic-depressive snake, a bi-polar bear -
Mum: And how do they show these conditions in a stuffed toy?
Bro: Well they come with a description or their backgrounds, and I think the snake right, he's holding some medication in his hand.
Ab: Umm, snakes don't have hands!
Bro: (Realizes mistake, but is unwilling to accept it) Well this one did, alright!

(Actually they are German, you can check them out here. It's crazy. (Thanks to Lauren for the link)
(The scene: Boxing day morning, and Nan and Dad are drinking tea and recovering from Christmas with hyperactive children.)

Nan: So who's funeral was it yesterday?

I love that lady. For more information about Alzheimer's/dementia, or to support the research into a cure for it, please visit the Alzheimer's Society.


Lauren said...

Those dolls are German. Even we're not crazy enough for that.
Check it: http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2010/09/10/stuffed-animals-with-mental-disorders/

I'm buying the hippo with OCD.

Ab said...

Wow, German's are odd! Thanks for the link and correction, I will update it accordingly.