Tuesday, 8 February 2011

A Good Choice of Words

(The scene: Philosophy class, as ever)

Kellinator: What's the word, beginning with A that can sometimes cause big problems for the Atheist's trying to understand it?
(Tumbleweed and puzzled faces)
Abi: Abstinence?
Kellinator: Well I was going for altruism, but I suppose that one might too!

(The scene: Still philosophy, but another day. A slide is up on the screen saying 'intelligent design', 'teleological' and 'creation' among other things)

Kells: Ok, what word up there on the screen do you think is actually banned from school classrooms in several states of America?
(Class reads and ponders)
Elliot: Intelligent.
(Class cackles with racist laughter)

(The scene: 'The One Show' is on TV, and they are doing an investigation on the English dish, faggots and peas. Ab is reading, but lines from the TV keep floating over to her)

Presenter: Jay just can't get enough of those faggots!
(Ab sniggers)
Jay: So is it safe to say that faggots have made you the man you are today?
Man: Oh yes.
(More sniggering)

By the way, in case there was any doubt in your mind, it's not cool to use the word faggot unless it has been pre-approved by your boyfriend.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That Elliot guy is hereby banned from the state of New York. I've deemed it and sprinkled it with my magic deeming fairy dust.