Sunday, 13 June 2010

Special Exam Playlist

So most of us GCSE students only have one more week of exams left, and I thought, to keep up morale in the face of such adversities as tiredness, procrastination and boredom, that I would share with you some of my exam-days playlist that helps me get the adreniline flowing and is part of the reason I swagger into most exam halls regardless of whether I actually revised for that subject (the other reason I swagger is that I have potentially dangerous levels of over-confidence). Note: there is no order to the songs bellow as I generally shuffle my playlists, and the songs in this playlist do not reflect my general taste in music.

  • 'Under Pressure' by Queen - I think the title says all, and it will help you get in the zone.
  • 'Bad Reputation' by Joan Jett - gets you jazzed up and gives confidence even if failure is on the horizon.
  • 'Fire' by Kasabian - fast forward to chorus which says 'I'm on fire'; should bode well for the exam.
  • 'Imigrant Song' by Led Zeplin - you've probably heard this one, but walking in slo-mo to it and tossing whatever hair you have about in time to the 'ahahhhh's really gets the confidence flowing.
  • 'Clubbed to Death' by Rob Dougan - you've probably heard this one before too, but it'll help get you in the zone.
  • 'I Want it All' by Queen - just to remind youself that you damn well do want it all!
  • 'I'll Be There For You' by The Rembrants (Friends theme song) - just to say, even if you muck up the exam, it's not the end of the world.
I think I've got most aspects of the exam covered here, so listen to these songs and you should be fine. If anyone's got a song I haven't included, please let me no and I'll edit it in. Good luck to everyone talking exams in the next few weeks!

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