(The scene: Brother has spent the day playing the 'your face' game (the one where you add 'your face' on to the end of practically every sentence someone says) and is sitting at the table as prudish mother asks him yet again to tidy up the lounge.)
Mum: (Exasperated) Come on!
Brother: Come on your face.
(Shocked pause)
(Face morphs into that of the picture, but with more anger on mum's part)
Brother: Oh my God. I'm sorry, I didn't think!
Ab: (Amused, looking up from paper) People actually do that y'know.
Brother: I know, it just came out -
Ab: That's what he said!
Nice. Oh, and thanks for visiting this blog last month, it got nearly 1500 monthly hits, so keep it up guys! Also, did you hear about the Five Past Tomorrow facebook group? Never forget the blog address again. Peace.
Awesome information, many thanks to the article writer. It’s understandable to me now, the effectiveness and importance is mind-boggling. Thank you once again and good luck!
Lovely post acuto. Non ho mai pensato che fosse così facile. rispetti a voi!
Ini masalah saya benar-benar dipecahkan, terima kasih!
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