'Tis Christmas Eve (or actually Christmas already in some parts of the world), so here is my promised Christmas special. It snowed lots and lots in England recently, and one of the funnest things to do is bounce on a snow covered trampoline. But, as I was doing so, all these freaky weird lines formed across it, akin to the ooo-errness of a crop circle. Odd eh? At first I figured it was something to do with the ice and the tension, but now I'm not so sure...
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Trampoline crop circle freakery. |
Also, at the Brightman household, we had the annual 'Christmas tree discussion' (y'know, the one where you all put forward what you need from a tree and see how much it clashes with the rest of your family's opinions), and I suggested instead of a traditional evergreen, we opt for the palm tree (well, yucca tree) that we already own. It took some persuading, but check it, how awesomely wacky is our tree? Very contemporary, even if it does look like someone just barfed up decorations all over it.
Sorry, you're gonna have o tilt your head - it wouldn't let me rotate it. |
Sophie: Damnit!
All: What?
Sophie: I meant to write 'Happy Christmas' and it came out as 'Happy Birthday'! It's ruined.
Ab: Nah it's not - just write 'Jesus' at the end of it.
(The scene: SFA again, and the gang have just pulled crackers. Katie won a sheriff badge that she attempts to clip to the front of her low top.)
Katie: (Flounders and fails. Looks around the crowded room) Hadley! You're gay! Help me put this on my top!
Someone: So ignore all your straight female friends that actually have breasts then!
Obviously we need a quick Jesus reminder, even if we don't believe he was the son of God but still hope to get presents.
And there you have it folks. Merry Christmas from me. Don't get drunk and stab anyone with the turkey carving knife. Oh, and if it does snow again, I have searched far and wide for the ultimate snow music (that isn't troika) and have finally found it, so you can have the perfect snowy backing track. You're welcome.
It was actually my idea with the card signing on Megan's cards - not Sophie's - although she was the one who made the mistake!
Please credit the correct people next time!
Maybe it was Harry, and if you read correctly you will see that I did not 'credit' Sophie with the idea, merely stated that she was writing out the card at the time of the mistake. Well done for the idea Haz.
Please read correctly next time! ;)
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