Thursday, 20 May 2010


(Physics class, and everyone is just filling out forms to do with their exams. There is a box where you have to write your name, and Harry, fool that he is, asks Ab and Alex...)
Harry: Have I spelt my name wrong? (This is after he spelt the name of his own school and village wrong, so it was entirely probable.)
Ab: Let me have a look. (Takes the form, scans it quickly, and passes it back to Harry) Yeah you have; you missed out 'Dickhead'.

Disclaimer: Rudeness is acceptable in the case of Harry as he has made many racist, sexual and plain rude remarks to Alex. Also, Kirsten laughed and she has a great moral compass.

(Lunchtime, and the gang are discussing birthday presents.)
Megan: What I really want to to is make someone a cake with Winning Swim Team '93 on it, and little sperm next to it.
(The gang laughs except Lydia.)
Lydia: I don't get it.
(Some group members are about to explain when they become sidetracked reminicing the time when Louise proclaimed that she was 'half a sperm'.)
(A pause)
Lydia: Oh I get it! (laughs)

(Philosophy class, and everyone is eating cakes and drinking tea, as per norm Kirsten. They're nearing to the end of the giant plate of cakes they each have, so people are starting to feel quite full.)
Cathy: (Turns to Ab) And you know what the worst thing is? When I get home it's my Mother's birthday, and I've baked her a cake that we'll eat and we were going to have afternoon tea, the most important meal of the day, but now I'm all full up so I might not have enough room for it all! (Said the poor little white girl - ed)
Ab: Well Cathy, if that's the worst thing, then I'd say your life is pretty darn great!

(English class, discussing something completely unrelated to sexuality.)
Jonny: Oh, I like a bit of both.


Unknown said...

I am not! It is not my fault I have my moments quite often that usually invloves you lot - coincidence, I think not!

Ab said...

Haha, I'm sorry Harry, but you aren't half rude to Alex sometimes!