(The scene: Registration and Ab and Louise are discussing a new type of salt ad vinegar crisp.)
Ab: When you suck it, it actually gets pretty sweet.
Lou: Well I never suck and swallow, I just... bite.
Ab: Nice. (Grins)
(The scene: Sixth form common room and Ab an Louise are high-fiveing.)
(Palms smack)
Lou: Owwww! (Indignant) That hurt!
Ab: Man, you're a cissy. That so wasn't hard!
Lou: Come on then, give me a hard one.
Ab:(Incredulous over this unexpected jem) Give you a hard one? (What is this, a porno?)
(The scene: SFC and Louise and Katie are spoiling us with an overabundance of 'your face' jokes. As I'm not sure exactly who said which one, they will have to stake their claims in the comments section.)
Someone: (When a certain face is seen) Ahhhh, my eyes!
Someone: (Pointing at a face) Omg, it's a UFO -
Both: Ugly Face Overload!
It has, sadly, taken me this long to realize that I've been spelling 'Snipets' wrong all this time as it's actually supposed to read 'Snippets' as you my have guessed. Oddly enough, no-one told me of that blunder! However, even though it is probably really bad SEO (search engine optimisation - how google sorts through articles on the web when you you search for something such as 'Five Past Tomorrow') I don't think I'll change it. Unless it really offends you of course.
I'm proud to say they are both mine (H)
Ok, Louise, any comebacks? (even though I trust Katie)
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